Fresh Bag
At Fresh Bag we love good, healthy and eco-friendly food. We are part of the global university platform for social entrepreneurship, Enactus, and together we try to create a sustainable future by promoting healthy and responsible consumption!
Business Idea
Fresh Bag is a student-founded initiative aimed at making organic food accessible to everyone. The company connects consumers with local farmers, ensuring fair prices for both parties. Originally started as a university-based service, Fresh Bag has now expanded and offers delivery of organic produce directly to homes in Amsterdam. By promoting sustainable agriculture practices and making organic food accessible, Fresh Bag is contributing to a healthier and more sustainable food system.
Problem Statement
In today's world, people have lost touch with their food and are often unaware of its origin. The lack of transparency in the food supply chain makes it difficult to determine the authenticity and quality of food products. Supermarkets often contribute to food waste and use deceptive tactics to sell products, making it difficult for consumers to make informed choices about their food. Fresh Bag offers a solution to this problem by providing a direct link from the farm to the consumer, ensuring that organic produce is locally sourced and of the highest quality. With Fresh Bag, customers can be confident that the food they are consuming is truly organic and healthy.
A Fresh Bag contains seasonal and locally grown vegetables and fruits. With no plastic packaging involved, each bag contributes to a reduced carbon footprint and supports our local farmers. Get yours delivered for only €10!
Who are we?
We are students from the University of Amsterdam who share the values to promote a sustainable and healthy future through being smart consumers. We believe that one small step that could be done is smart sourcing of food with limited to zero plastics but also ensuring quality. All in all, we call ourselves young entrepreneurs with a goal and hope to make an impact on our societies, friends, and families by showing that even the smallest steps can make the biggest difference. Fresh Bag is our project; it is what we believe in with a goal that one day it is a mindset that will be shared by many
What is Fresh Bag about?
Fresh Bag is an initiative set up by students who love tasty and healthy food but also value the sourcing of their food and sustainability. Once a week, we pack and assemble bags of local organic fruit and vegetables and sell them through our website to students and teachers at the UVA, but also to others who show interest. The products are hand chosen by us according to recipes we would like to accompany them with and sources from local organic Dutch farmers. We aim to provide enough food for about three days for one person while ensuring that the quality is fresh, but also that it is seasonal, organic and most importantly, tasty.
Our Philosophy
We believe in a world where there is zero waste and all products are local and organic. Our mission is to make a positive impact on the environment and prevent pollution of it. We are FreshBag, and we try to make the world a better place.
Our Strength
We are a very committed team that is passionate about the environment and healthy eating habits. Our biggest strength is our capable team, which is more than experienced with designing, manufacturing, and guiding the entire process. Furthermore, one of our biggest advantages is that we adjust to the demand of our customers, as we are flexible with orders, scheduling, and ensuring a pleasant and safe experience for everyone. Not to mention, we hope to endorse a healthy and sustainable life, while also promoting eating green, vegetarian and organic.
Product Strength
We have a flexible product, which results in the fact that we can quickly adapt to customers' needs. Our product is making a great impact on the environment and local community. The product ensures access to a healthy, sustainable, and responsible way of consumption.