Sophie Nordenhed


The responsibilities of the position include:

  • Representation of the organization

  • Guarantee and improve internal processes

  • Critical examination of projects

The Chair of Enactus UvA

As Chair, my responsibilities include representing the organization inside and out. This means I  ensure and improve internal processes while increasing brand awareness. For example, keeping track of and improving project management and processes, including a critical examination of each project. Making sure each member and project is reaching their full potential within the limits of the given circumstances. For example examining where to cut costs, how to differentiate products, when and where to expand operations, and how to find new customers as well as challenge members to take risks. In addition, I chair the general events and meetings with the board, Enactus NL, and partners. Every other month the board provides the advisory board with a status report (per function) with updates regarding an increase in profit and impact from the enterprises, monitoring progress based on goals set. The status reports will be based partly on activities presented in the agenda, as well as the performance of our projects and monitoring of the year- and multiannual plan. The agenda can be found in the appendix. Along with this, my ambition was to work as a mentor for my fellow board members and the project leaders in their personal development and the implementation of their functions. Lastly, I monitor the progress in achieving our monthly and annual goals. 

  • Chairing general events and meetings

  • Providing status reports and follow up on goals and objectives

  • Mentoring board members and project leaders

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  • Organizing board team-building activities

  • Monitor progress of annual goals